当地时间11月27日,在美国休斯顿世乒赛的比赛过程中,中国选手梁靖崑遭遇了看台上某些人针对他且有种族歧视含义的喧嚣。国际乒联新任主席佩特拉·索林在接受CGTN专访时表示,国际乒联对此事的态度非常非常严肃。我们坚决反对种族主义!国际乒联集团首席执行官史蒂夫·丹顿在接受采访时也表示,我们已收到中国乒协的相关投诉,并马上采取了行动。他还表示,若再听到类似言论,我们会立刻将闹事者赶出赛场!The International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) has slammed racism at the World Table Tennis Championships in Houston, Texas, the United States. On November 27, China's Liang Jingkun was targeted with racial abuse when he was playing against a British player. ITTF CEO Steve Dainton said they had received complaints from China's Table Tennis Association and had taken action. "If anything was ever heard again, we will take those people out," Dainton told CGTN.
文章来源:《国际研究参考》 网址: http://www.gjyjck.cn/zonghexinwen/2021/1129/1337.html